From the recording a thousand words


a thousand words
a picture’s worth a thousand words
or ten thousand if they’re pictures of birds
the wonder of wings says everything
about time that needs to be heard

the astonishing strands of a feather
tell a tale of life together
McCartney sings about broken wings -
blackbirds fly through every kind of weather

we could learn from the birds
how to build our nest
how to be our best
how to enjoy the view
how to say thank you
how to come through

the tern took a turn for the better
the dove turned into a love letter
her song reached far to the morning star
so there’s no way we could forget her

oh the hatchlings sometimes cling
til time comes to spread their wings
to rise and soar and come back for more
in the bright sky where the North Wind sings

with the sparrows and the robins, the crows and seagulls
hawks and herons, egrets and eagles
hummingbirds and chickadees and lovely turkey vultures
ducks and geese and redwing blackbirds
blue jays, cardinals, trumpeter swans
owls and ospreys and orioles at dawn
woodpeckers and cormorants and on and on…

we could learn from the birds
how to build our nest
how to be our best
how to enjoy the view
how to say thank you
how to come through

April 18, 2022